The Dance Between Artist, Artwork, and Viewer

Roles and Responsibilities

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As artists, one of our roles is to take responsibility for the work we create. There are elements we can play with to engage a viewer upon initial sight: the aesthetic of a piece, its physical, tactile qualities, the size and scale, along with the way that the piece is displayed in a space, and our suggested proximity to it. 

But as a viewer of the artwork, what responsibilities do we have? Is our role as viewer passive or active? 

Many times, artworks sit quietly waiting as we approach. The energy is decided by the artist, but once the artwork is in the same space as people, it has to wait for us to engage.  

So when we approach an artwork, how much time and space do we make before we decide to move on?  

What is happening, within our bodies on a physiological level, when we engage with an artwork? …


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